Because they are not sitting across the table from me every night (and because they left for college before I was done imparting my knowledge), here are the nightly bits of wisdom you received at the dinner table.

Love Dad

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Resolutions - Mid Year Report.

In the interest of full disclosure I wanted to tell you at the mid point where I am with all of my resolutions. 

Resolution 1 - I want to lose 30lbs by my birthday in June.  Update:  As of this morning I am down 37 lbs and I am continuing to drop.  I am always relearning the lessons I am trying to teach you.  In the end it comes down to what I am always telling you.  No magic, just hard work and a commitment to change a path that was not working for me.

Resolution #2 - I want to complete the Field Instruction Paramedic Process for the new FD.  Update: Part of what I said in the orignal resolution was this.  **Look back at the things that you value in yourself and in the people close to you.  These people and things will reach out to you and help you when you need it the most**.  With that in mind, and after careful reflection I retired from the FD to work more on the things I value and the people closest to me.  This I am working on.

Resolution #3. - I am going to set aside 30 minutes a day to reach out to my family and friends for things that do not have anything to do with the things I am trying to accomplish.   Update:  Hmm, jury is still out.  The intent here is to spend 30 physical minutes doing this a day..and that I am not doing.  6 more months left to get this ironed out.

Resolution  #4 - I want to learn how to play the guitar and do at least 3 cheesy magic tricks.  Update: Again the jury is still out.  I can play part of Sweet Home Alabama, and the big book of magic is still on my night table waiting on my considerable magic potential.  

Resolution #5 - I want to see the ocean this year with mom.  I want to plan a Griswald family type trip.   Update: Almost...we had a great road trip, truly memorable.  Missed having you both there but like you guys always do, someone stayed back to the heavy lifting.  Seeing the ocean with mom is still on the list.

Resolution #6 - I want to commit to send you at least 3 blogs a week, whether you need them or not.  Update: Tragic failure here.  But I intend to get back on track.

I turn 51 on Sunday.   When I think back, of all of the great things I have been able to do.  Being a dad, is far and away the best thing I have done and will do.  One of the perks is that I still take credit for the way you turned out, even when it is you doing the hard work.

Love Dad