Because they are not sitting across the table from me every night (and because they left for college before I was done imparting my knowledge), here are the nightly bits of wisdom you received at the dinner table.

Love Dad

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Years Resolution

Every year, I have a list of new years resolutions.  Writing them down is a pain in the ass.  When written, they go from an abstract good idea to a measurable thing that becomes one of the yardsticks for the upcoming year. 

People have mixed reactions about making new years resolutions.   A lot of people have goals that they want to quietly pursue.  They do not see the need to put extra pressure on themselves or be reminded of the things that they failed to accomplish.  The added stress of documented goals creates a level of stress that impacts their ability to achieve them.  Basically a goal that you don't write down or tell anyone about is not a failed goal, if no one knows about it.

To all of those people, I say with the deepest humility and sincerity. - bullshit.

While it is true, it is extra weight for the year, another yardstick to measure yourself with and (at least for me) I always have one or two resolutions that just don't happen for any number of reasons.  It is a huge but a necessary pain in the ass to write them down.

What you achieve is directly related to your level of commitment.  You have to write it down, say it out loud, and be able to look at it for it to be real.   Here are my resolutions for the year.

Resolution 1 - I want to lose 30lbs by my birthday in June.  That is five pounds a month.  Saying I want to lose weight and get in shape is way to vague.  Five pounds a month. 

Every year is like that freshman year, you owe it to yourself to reach past what you are comfortable with.  If you are lucky you will have a lot of freshman years in your life.  New baselines in school, new jobs, new relationships.  Your commitment to these things always shows up.  Always reach past the things that you are comfortable with.

Resolution #2 - I want to complete the Field Instruction Paramedic Process for the new FD.  For me this is my freshman year.

Look back at the things that you value in yourself and in the people close to you.  These people and things will reach out to you and help you when you need it the most.

Resolution #3. - I am going to set aside 30 minutes a day to reach out to my family and friends for things that do not have anything to do with the things I am trying to accomplish.   I am going to try to keep the idea fresh that it is not all about me.

Resolution  #4 - I want to learn how to play the guitar and do at least 3 cheesy magic tricks.  As much as I want to accomplish, I don't want to take take myself so seriously that ignore a simple joy or two.  The only criteria I have is that these couple of things serve no real purpose.

Resolution #5 - I want to see the ocean this year with mom.  I want to plan a Griswald family type trip.

Resolution #6 - I want to commit to send you at least 3 blogs a week, whether you need them or not.

I hope you can always appreciate the new year and all the promise that it brings.

I am so happy to have you guys home for a couple of more days.
Love Dad

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