Because they are not sitting across the table from me every night (and because they left for college before I was done imparting my knowledge), here are the nightly bits of wisdom you received at the dinner table.

Love Dad

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Small Wins

One of those top ten life skills is the ability to recognize, acknowledge and celebrate the small wins you have almost every single day.  

The old school rules apply here.  When someone acknowledges one of those wins (small or large) be gracious and tell them "thank you".  Don't be the person who ruins a perfectly good thank you by going on to describe how much more has to be done or ignoring the compliment altogether. 

When you tell people to celebrate the small wins, they get hung up on the celebrate part.  Celebrating is not always that fist pumping, yell at the top of your lungs thing.  A lot of time it is just you being able to say "I did it" to yourself, your friends, or family.

It is no secret at all that the really big wins are composed of a lot of much smaller ones.  When you start to recognize the small wins & celebrate them you have a much better sense of how on track you really are. 

Here is a small test...if you can recall more failures than wins in the last couple of weeks...punch yourself in the neck.  You both have done some really outstanding things lately.   Be the person that stacks up those wins like silver dollars.  Don't stack turds (failures, real and perceived).

Love Dad

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