Because they are not sitting across the table from me every night (and because they left for college before I was done imparting my knowledge), here are the nightly bits of wisdom you received at the dinner table.

Love Dad

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Talking to Yourself

The things that you say to yourself have way more impact on you than the things you say out loud or that people say to you.  You tend to believe the things you say to yourself without qualifying them.  Get in the habit of saying the right things to yourself.  They do not have to be empty platitudes.  Just simply recall what you already are and what you have.

You are both smart, tough, and have a strong history of prevailing under tough circumstances.  You have strong support structures around you and a lot of people in your life who love you.  You have won far more than you have lost and more importantly learned from each time you fell flat on your face.  Your sense of humor always is key to being able to laugh at yourself.  When you can laugh at yourself, people will laugh with you and not at you. 

When you speak to yourself in a crappy way, you are taking the easy way out of a tough spot.  Falling down and staying down is way easier than not getting right back up again.  There are 10 easy reasons to not get back up and only 1 good one for getting right back up.  Use that innate stubbornness that you have to get up off the floor when you find yourself there.  

Saying the right things to yourself will always translate to how you deal with other people.   You are going to be more inclined to appreciate the people and things that get out of tough spots with a strong positive attitudes.  These are the people who you want to be drawn to and they are the people they need to find you. 

Make sure and call grandma.
Love Dad

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