Because they are not sitting across the table from me every night (and because they left for college before I was done imparting my knowledge), here are the nightly bits of wisdom you received at the dinner table.

Love Dad

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Other 5%

85% of the time calm, firm, reason in the face of an unreasonable situation or circumstance will prevail.

10% of the time you simply have to turn away from a situation that is spinning out of control.  There are times that you arrive far to late to do anything but make sure you are not a causality of the wreck that is already well underway.

If you really want to be a person who helps others and are not going to be professionally trained, you have the learn the cardinal rule of a being a  rescuer.  If you are trying to rescue someone and have to be rescued yourself, you have created a bigger problem than you found.  If you have to rescue 2 instead of 1 you have put more people in danger and lowered the probability of the original person getting the help they needed.

There is no extra credit for good intentions or having the moral high ground. 

That leaves the remaining 5 % of people  

The remaining 5% are those people where calm firm reason does not work.  They are borderline whackjobs.  There are are on the verge of being trainwrecks but are not quite there.  They are on the fringe and seem to end up in our clubs, associations, recreation leagues and group outings.  They say and do moderately crappy things for reasons that are not really known to anyone but them.  No one is sure why they are angry or part of the existing group or gathering.  But we put up with them.

When you have ruled out they are trainwrecks and calm firm reason has failed you need to deliver a firm verbal pimp slap (instead of bitch slap) to the offender.  

A bitch slap is to slap someone in the face with an open hand (because they are not worthy of a real punch)  It is used to put people in their place or disrespect them. A pimp slap is distinguished from a bitch slap because it is delivered without announcement.  It is a hard blow stuck with the back of the hand (it is not a pimp slap unless it is the back of the hand).  Generally the hand is raised above the head, elbow bent, and if performed correctly it should look like you  are throwing a baseball like a girl.  Hand comes down in a chopping motion to the cheek and jaw of your victim. Twisting shoulders and hip motion are used to maximize the slap and apply the proper torque.

Verbally pimp slap the remaining 5%.  This helps them understand when they are approaching a boundary of yours.  It also helps them understand all of those crappy words and deeds have a price attached to them.  Here are a few of my favorites that I use for my 5%.
*What the fuck is wrong with you really?  We have been listening to your stupid shit for (fill in the blank -hours, days, weeks) and everybody -especially me is fed up with the stupid shit you say and do.

**When you say and do stuff like that I can't figure out if you are fucking stupid, fucking clueless or both.  Or if that is just how you talk to each other in (their hometown).

***You have to be fucking emotionally retarded to not realize how sick people are of your dumb shit antics. 

For those 5%'ers never underestimate the elegance of brute force. 

Love Dad

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