Because they are not sitting across the table from me every night (and because they left for college before I was done imparting my knowledge), here are the nightly bits of wisdom you received at the dinner table.

Love Dad

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pick Me

This was more than a couple years back but again, it is a true story.  There was a round of layoffs coming and I was part of the group that was at risk.   The affected group was encouraged to apply for a series of new positions.   As luck would have it (and at the 11th hour), a  couple of positions opened up.  A perfect fit for my skill and experience level.  I applied for both.  Surprised the hell out of me when I did not get either position.  It would be nice to tell you that I was just barely edged out but the truth is I was not even in the running for either position. 

Things happen for a reason. 

I have always believed that the shortest distance between two points in the best and preferred way to go.  When I see the most direct path no longer available to me, I have to always be careful to not to second guess why that direct path is no longer available.

Occam's razor -  the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one.   I did not get those positions because there were better qualified, experienced, people that fit that group of people. 

You always run the risk of over analyzing things like this.  When doubt creeps in, you can end up in that doubt spiral that is so hard to get out of.  When that doubt creeps in, I just count up all the wins I have had.  There is a recognizable pattern in the wins.  They happen because I work hard, believe in myself, and put the occasional thing that does not happen in the right perspective.    

The way it worked all those years back was that after not getting looked at for either of those remaining positions, I ended up getting a better position with more pay at the  very last minute.  There was no magic there, just hard work, perspective, and a belief I have in myself to always end up in the right spot.  As it turned out, those two positions I did not get ended up being rolled up in the layoff's a couple of months after they were filled. 

Things happen for a reason.

So if you encounter a situation where you are not selected or picked, appreciate the people that did not select you.  You always want to be picked by someone who see's who you really are.   This is true in employment, relationships, roommates, and the people you hang out with.  It is early on and you both have had a tremendous amount of success.  You should without much effort see in your own lives that it is not magic.   Old school stuff,  hard work, believe in yourself, and let the other stuff go.  Perspective is a powerful thing.

Never, ever let what someone else cannot see, define what you can see.

Love Dad