Because they are not sitting across the table from me every night (and because they left for college before I was done imparting my knowledge), here are the nightly bits of wisdom you received at the dinner table.

Love Dad

Friday, September 3, 2010

Leaving the Shake

True Story:  I was in D.C. and I was waiting for the shake I had already paid for.  Out of the blue, the guy behind the counter started yelling at the cook.  He was mad as hell, he told the guy that he was going to kick his ass if he threw another cheeseburger at him.  The cook with the neck tattoo's looked right at the guy and threw another cheeseburger at him. 

The counter guy just lost his mind.  He yelled at another guy cleaning tables to lock the door because he was going back to kick the cooks ass.   And to everyone's amazement the table guy goes over and locks the door.  The really big guy who ordered the cheeseburger was looking down at it with a frown and asking the counter guy why they were throwing his m**ther -  f***ing cheeseburger around.

The point that it really felt out of control was when the manager showed up at the front counter.  By now the counter guy is reaching through the heat lamp thing trying to grab the cook and is just howling.  The cook (who never blinked through the whole thing) was making another cheeseburger and looked like he had every intention of throwing it at the counter guy. 

The manager did not say a word, just ran his finger over the display that showed what orders were pending and started making my shake.  It is really starting to feel like a Twilight Zone episode.  I am starting to move away from the counter and work my way towards the door.  The counter guy stops trying to get to the cook and turns around abruptly and yells "who is next, what do you want" the top of his lungs. 

And when you think it cannot get worse, it does.  The guys he yelled it to are now taking it as a challenge and they move up to order ( I did not hear but I am assuming they were going to order a m***r-f****ing cheeseburger).  I am at the door now and it is locked.  The manager who has finished making the shake (that I no longer want) is calling me back to the counter to get it. 

Instead of leaving, I walked back through the maze of screaming people to get a 2 dollar shake.  When the testosterone starts flying, there is a part of me that is still inclined to stand my ground - especially  when I am by myself.  That is a unabashed bonehead move and I am old enough to know better. 

Stand up for the things you believe in, Stand up against adversity and intimidation for the right reasons.

You don't want to be the person who stands up for cheeseburgers and chocolate shakes.  Standing up against adversity and intimidation in pursuit of a 2 dollar shake...well that just speaks for itself doesn't it?

Argh..I would rather dispense sage wisdom rather than be the example of what not to do but it does not always work that way.  

There are times when you need to leave the shake -  even if you already paid for it..  

Love Dad

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